Helps the engine run smoother and make more power last longer

Safely clean and lubricate critical engine areas by adding Safeguard Engine Treatment to all types of fuel and oil systems.
  • Clean fuel nozzles and carburetor nozzles
  • Stabilized gasoline and diesel fuel
  • Safe for all gasoline and diesel engines
Sifu Deep Penetrating Premium Rust Remover Lubricant is a premium lubricant and penetrating agent that crawls deeper and has stronger and longer lasting effects.
  • Loosening of stubbornly rusted parts
  • Cleaning and protecting metal parts and tools
  • Resistant to high temperatures and volatilization
Clean critical areas of the top of the engine that are hard to reach with fuel cleaners using Safeguard Engine Top Clean & Lube Spray.
  • Clean the air intake system and combustion chamber deposits
  • Applied through the throttle or carburetor throat
  • Critical to modern GDI direct injection engines

Prevention of common engine failures

Siveco is committed to making products that effectively solve or prevent all types of common engine failures.

Avoid high engine repair costs

Solve problems before they happen. Every day, millions of people trust Synfu to keep their engines running clean and trouble-free.

Safe and convenient to use

Siveco products are made with safe raw materials that do not damage engines.

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