Four-stroke car engine storage - Gasoline carburetor intake

Illustration of use

Adding Sea Foam Motor Treatment to carbureted fuel systems throughout the year will help.

  • Stabilizes fuel conditions by preventing the formation of petroleum fouling and oil stains
  • Clean carburetor inlet and combustion chamber areas of hydrocarbon residues and deposits
  • Lubricates the air inlet and upper cylinder to prevent long-term wear and corrosion
  • Preserves ignition gas for easier engine starting

Maintenance Tips.

  • Sea Foam in the tank cleans and lubricates the entire fuel system at all times
  • Deep Creep (low V.O.C.) and Sea Foam Spray provide high temperature lubrication capability, break surface tension (creep along the metal), resist corrosion and evaporation, and maintain and protect seals
  • Engine Type. All four-stroke car and light truck engines using carburetors manufactured before 1990
  • Products. Sea Foam Motor Treatment, Sea Foam Spray, Deep Creep
  • Product Number. SF16CN, SS14CN, DC14CN
  • Quantity. 1 can each, use SF16 according to the amount of fuel
四冲程汽车发动机储存 – 汽油化油器进气

Four-stroke car engine storage - Gasoline carburetor intake

Stabilization of fuel in the tank

Sea Foam Motor Treatment prevents the formation of dirt and oil stains, adding protective lubrication to the entire fuel system during seasonal storage.

  • Add at least 1 ounce of Sea Foam per gallon of tank fuel.
  • Allow the engine to run long enough for Sea Foam to act on the entire fuel system.
  • Where possible, adding more Sea Foam when the fuel tank is low will improve the cleanliness and lubrication ratio when handling the engine. After preparing the upper engine area for storage work, the tank can be filled with fuel at any time.

Atomized/Lubricated Gasoline Inlet

With the engine started and the air filter removed, insert the Sea Foam Spray cleaning hose (cut to 8" long) into the carburetor air intake throat. Spray 6 times in a row, then spray one last time while shutting off the engine.

Lubrication of cylinders

After misting the air intake, allow the engine to cool and remove the spark plugs. Insert a Deep Creep cleaning tube into each cylinder chamber and spray. Before reinserting the spark plugs, rotate the pistons by turning the engine with the crankshaft. Note: Deep Creep and Sea Foam Spray can be used interchangeably for combustion chamber lubrication.


Sea Foam Motor Treatment contains only petroleum-based ingredients and is safe for use in all types of gasoline carburetor fuel systems. Contains no harsh detergents or abrasive chemicals.