How to clean the top of a boat engine - Fuel filter method

Illustration of use

Adding Xeffer engine maintenance fluid to marine engine fuel systems will help.

  • Dissolves dirt, sludge, hydrocarbon residues and deposited impurities
  • Clean carburetor/fuel nozzle, intake valve, combustion chamber
  • Lubricates the upper part of the cylinder to extend engine life
  • Fuel stabilization
  • Preserves ignition gas for easier engine starting

Maintenance Tips.

  • This cleaning method should be used every time you change the main fuel filter
  • The entire fuel system is cleaned and lubricated at all times by the Xeffer engine maintenance fluid in the fuel tank
  • Engine Type. All diesel engines
  • Applicable products. Xifu Engine Maintenance Fluid
  • Product Number. SF16CN, SF128CN
  • Quantity. 2 to 3 cans
如何清洁船舶发动机的顶部 – 燃油滤清器方法

How to clean the top of a boat engine - Fuel filter method


Add a single detergent volume of Hifter engine conditioner to the fuel tank. Use when the fuel level in the tank is low, preferably with 2 ounces of cleaner per gallon of fuel to maximize the concentration of cleaner.

  • Turn on the water connection or the connection through the water flush, start and heat the engine to operating temperature, then turn it off.
  • After turning off the engine, remove the old fuel filter.
  • Before installing a new filter, fill the filter about 3/4 of the way with Xeffer engine maintenance fluid and install the filter firmly. For diesel engines, fill to the top of the filter.
  • Start the engine and run it at idle for 5 minutes. Then turn off the engine and wait 10 minutes to allow the highly concentrated Hiver engine maintenance fluid to heat soak into the deposited contaminants.
  • After the hot soak, restart the engine and drive or idle for at least 10 minutes.


Mobil Engine Care Fluid contains only petroleum-based ingredients and is safe for use in all types of marine engine fuel systems. It contains no aggressive cleaning ingredients or abrasive chemicals.